
Realize your nano vision



KTH is arranging the 15th International Conference on ULTIMATE INTEGRATION ON SILICON in Stockholm on April 7-9.

For more info see ULIS


Mikael Östling, professor på institutionen för Integrerade komponenter och kretsar har fått Svenska Elektro- och Dataingenjörers Riksförening ingenjörspris, SER-Prize. Han har fått det för sin forskning som banat väg för energieffektiva effekttransistorer.

För mer info se Elektroniktidningen


Teknisk kompetens, laboratorieresurser och företagsanpassade tjänster för svensk industri i Kistas enastående elektronikfab för tillverkning och karakterisering av halvledarkomponenter. Ordnas under mässan av Acreo Swedish ICT and KTH.

För mer info se SEE


Kiselbaserad fotonik som kan integrera ett stort antal funktioner på samma chip är eftertraktat i data- och telekomindustrin, som vill se billigare, energisnålare men ändå avancerade kommunikationslösning.

I halvledarlabbet i Electrum i Kista har forskare under flera år arbetat med detta. På senare tid har fyra företag knoppats av – alla med sin egen integrationstouch. 

För mer info se Elektroniktidningen

Access the best cleanroom facilities in Sweden and bring new scope and opportunity to your research and technical development.

Whether you are doing research in nanotechnology or product development for a high tech company, Myfab has the tools for you.


Myfab - The Swedish Research Infrastructure for Micro and Nano Fabrication from Chalmers Univ. of Technology on Vimeo.


Get access to success

Get access to a world class resource with three major cleanroom facilities and more than 500 instruments for fabrication and characterization. Welcome to our open user facility, where our highly qualified staff is ready to provide all the help and training you need!

Myfab is the Swedish national research infrastructrue for micro and nano fabrication. Get connected and realize your next project in microtechnology and nanoscience!

What can we do for you?

Individual User Access

More than 600 active users utilize our labs. Join them and conduct your own work in our high-end facilities.


Process Service & Collaboration

You may need access to specific equipment or expertise. Work with us to find a solution suitable for your needs.


Training & Education

Myfab and our close environment provide excellent knowledge about the techniques and processes available in the labs.


Myfab National Access Program

The program offers FREE access to Myfab. This includes both usage of equipment for fabrication and analysis as well as training services from on-site staff and scientific support in realizing “nano visions”.

Read more and apply...

Nordic Nanolab Network

Myfab is part of the Nordic Nanolab Network.


Powered by Myfab LIMS 

The Myfab Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is the central system used in the three Myfab cleanrooms. The system was developed to optimize use of resources and to handle everything from booking and statistics to reports and invoicing data.

Would you like a specific customized version for your organization? Contact Peter Modh, today and find out more about what Myfab LIMS can do for you.