The program offers FREE access to Myfab ( This includes both use of equipment for fabrication and analysis as well as training services from on-site staff and scientific support in realizing "nano visions".
Standard material is included to some extent. Travel expenses and accommodation costs associated with visits are also covered. The aim is to offer a "fast track mode" for new users to experience the service and to thus consider the possibility of a long-term future collaboration with Myfab. The access program, as well as each granted project, is limited with regards to time and financial resources.
The goal of Myfab National Access is to promote the Myfab laboratories to academic as well as commercial users. Potential users and user groups with new ideas in micro- and nanofabrication, which may be realized within Myfab are welcome to use the facilities FREE of charge. This will lower the start-up financial barrier, which often hinders starting up new activities and collaborations.
Part of Myfab’s strategy is to broaden the usage of the existing resources to include new users from non-traditional areas of research and technical development. The advanced technologies available within Myfab could enhance their position in the market and increase their potential for creating new patents, technologies and products.
The program is designed to attract new users with no previous experience of micro-and nanofabrication. New users will be trained in cleanroom work, cleanroom safety and cleanroom technologies and should acquire the skill needed to independently operate both basic and advanced equipment for fabrication and analysis. It is expected that the applicant will have a long term interest and a long term plan for Myfab usage. The training and information aspect of micro- and nanofabrication is very important.
After this project, users will have a much better knowledge of nanotechnology, including hands-on training, which will help them to understand how their needs could be realized through Myfab – and through micro- and nanotechnology.
Time schedule
The project proposals will be evaluated directly as they are submitted, and the aim is to give a fast feedback answer about the project evaluation (granted or not) within 4 weeks. Proposals will be handled as long as grant funding is still available. The detailed project planning is – as always – done in collaboration with Myfab’s staff.
Requirements for applicants
The program is open to researchers and research institutions either in the academic world or from SME’s. The applicant should not have used Myfab before (higher priority), or not during the last 5 years. The applicant must be based in Sweden. Each applicant must affirm that they have their own resources/staff available for hands-on cleanroom work.
Project requirement
The learning/cleanroom experience phase is central to the project, and therefore, "process service" type projects will not be accepted in this program. The outcome of the proposed work should be scientifically motivated for academic users. SME users should describe the expected value/importance for their business. All projects should be planned for completion within 6 months from the start of the project. Myfab’s Access program coordinator will check if the proposed plans are realistic, and may suggest improvements to the process flow and/or time plan, if possible.
There is no special theme for the projects in this call. Any proposal compatible with Myfab’s possibilities is eligible; Myfab has resources for e.g. state-of-the-art fabrication and analysis in high frequency electronics, Photonics, MEMS, MOEMS, biomedical micro/nanofluidics, micro and nanostructuring, etc.
Project budget
A preliminary budget for the proposed project will be calculated following a discussion between the program coordinator and the applicant. It is not necessary to include the budget in the submitted project proposal. The budget will be set up during the evaluation process by the program coordinator. Each project is expected to have a budget in the range 50,000-300,000 SEK, based on all costs associated with the Myfab activities (training, equipment usage, travel, accommodation, etc.)
How to apply/application form
The application can only be done through Myfab’s home page. It is a simple on-line procedure requesting the applicant’s contact information and an attached PDF document describing the project (max 3 pages). It is recommended to discuss details of the project with the program coordinator before submitting a proposal, e.g. materials compatibility with the Myfab resources and estimated time-scale. Complete online applications will be confirmed by an automatic e-mail sent to the e-mail address provided. The project must be clearly described with its main idea, what is hoped to be achieved and also with a description of its long-term value for the applicant. A description of the expected value of the project achievements should be included.
Evaluation and evaluation criteria
The program coordinator will first evaluate if the formal criteria for an application is met and all required information is included. After that, the project application will be evaluated by the "Access Selection Panel". Different aspects of e.g. scientific value and technical compatibility with Myfab resources are critical parameters in the evaluation. The ability of the applicant to provide an appropriate workforce is also important, as well as long-term interest in facility usage. The Access Selection Panel is composed of 6 experts in the field, covering both technical and scientific aspects. The Access Selection Panel shall base its selection on scientific merits and technical feasibility, taking into account that priority should be given to applicants who are likely to be returning users of Myfab. The Access program manager will make the final decision in terms of approving grants.
Project contract; Confidentiality, NDA
Each granted project must comply with the standard rules and working conditions, as required from any project within Myfab. Each laboratory site of Myfab has a standard template for confidentiality issues and NDA contracts, which will also be valid for Myfab National Access. The project contract will state the actual conditions for access in detail, including time schedule and budget.
Practical terms
Each user will be trained in cleanroom safety and general administrative regulations on each site. An introductory course covers safety, chemical handling, cleanroom behaviour and practical matters, such as how to use Myfab LIMS for booking, logging and exchanging information. This introduction is required to receive independent access to the lab facilities.
Some of the more complex tools require long and thorough training. Depending on the project content, laboratory process operators will help and assist in processing. This should be carried out in agreement with the user and laboratory process operators working together in the laboratory to transfer experience and skills to the user. A critical part of the project is the process flow, i.e. how to realize the actual nanofabrication in a structured order. This usually takes a lot of experience in order to find the most appropriate way to fabricate the device and to obtain the expected device properties. This must be described in the project application, and a preliminary/draft version is usually established in a collaborative process where the applicant receives support from Myfab’s experts. This is a natural (and in most cases necessary) step during the early phase of the project evaluation.
The main aim of this program is to provide a convenient and efficient introduction to micro- and nanofabrication. This justifies the simple application process and is also a motivation for limited/straight-forward reporting requirements during and after project completion!
Although there is no obligation to publish data or results in scientific journals, the user should inform the program committee if such publication is intended based on the project work. A user access feedback questionnaire should be filled in and returned to the program coordinator.
Each completed project must compile a report, using a standard Word document template provided by the program coordinator. Furthermore, a simple brief work summary should be handed in using the PowerPoint presentation template provided, with a maximum of 2 slides. Approximately half way through the project (expected date must be indicated in the time plan), users will be required to submit a 2-slide PowerPoint report detailing project status and expected outcome.
Apply for Myfab National Access
We look forward to welcoming you to Myfab!
Thomas Swahn,
Director Myfab