
Realize your nano vision
Researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology have demonstrated a monolithic, 500C Operational Amplifier in 4H-SiC Bipolar Technology with a closed loop gain of 40 dB and a 3 dB bandwith of 410 kHz at 500 deg C.
In this paper, researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology propose and demonstrate an open-loop technique that exploits the intermodulation (frequency mixing) of an electrostatic drive force and a mechanical drive force, to up-convert the electrostatic drive frequency to the first flexural resonance where the high quality factor allows for a more sensitive force measurement.
Ivan Maximov and Nils Nordell have been appointed as Research Infrastructure Fellows by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF). As fellows they receive funding of 15 MSEK each for a period of five years for their projects.

The International SiC Power Electronics Applications Workshop, ISiCPEAW 2015 will be held in Stockholm, May 27-28. ISiCPEAW 2015 is a three-day event, consisting of two workshop days (May 27 - 28), preceded by one tutorial day (May 26). The event will cover the latest results and innovations in power electronics applications of silicon carbide technology.

For more info see


KTH is arranging the 15th International Conference on ULTIMATE INTEGRATION ON SILICON in Stockholm on April 7-9.

For more info see ULIS


Mikael Östling, professor på institutionen för Integrerade komponenter och kretsar har fått Svenska Elektro- och Dataingenjörers Riksförening ingenjörspris, SER-Prize. Han har fått det för sin forskning som banat väg för energieffektiva effekttransistorer.

För mer info se Elektroniktidningen


Teknisk kompetens, laboratorieresurser och företagsanpassade tjänster för svensk industri i Kistas enastående elektronikfab för tillverkning och karakterisering av halvledarkomponenter. Ordnas under mässan av Acreo Swedish ICT and KTH.

För mer info se SEE


Kiselbaserad fotonik som kan integrera ett stort antal funktioner på samma chip är eftertraktat i data- och telekomindustrin, som vill se billigare, energisnålare men ändå avancerade kommunikationslösning.

I halvledarlabbet i Electrum i Kista har forskare under flera år arbetat med detta. På senare tid har fyra företag knoppats av – alla med sin egen integrationstouch. 

För mer info se Elektroniktidningen


Irnova has delevoped a IR-sensor for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). The detector can be used for sensing metan in the chemical industry.

IRnova is a Swedish high-tech company engaged in the development, manufacturing and marketing of high-end cooled infrared detectors and related technology and is working in the Electrum laboratory.


Professor Mikael Östling at the department of Integrated Devices and Circuits, KTH, has recieved a grant from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF). The grant is for research into "Ge-nanowiretransistors for sequential 3D integration" and the amount is 32 million SEK and will be covering a 5 year period.

For more information see SSF


 Scandinavian Electronics Event April 8-10, 2014 at Kistamässan

For more info see link


Thematic Workshop, Sønderborg, Denmark 2014-01-17

Energy efficiency through smart micro components



KTH-professorn Mikael Östling har tillsammans med forskarkollegor, bland annat astronauten Christer Fuglesang, beviljas nära 23 miljoner kronor i anslag från Knut och Alice Wallenbergs stiftelse. Det handlar om unik elektronik som ska klara planeten Venus extrema förhållanden.


Breakthroughs in sensor technology

1st announcement

A conference organized by IMAGIC and Technet Nano

Date: 27 – 28 November 2013

Location: Nordic Forum, Torshamnsgatan 35, Kista, Sweden

Hosted by Acreo Swedish ICT AB and Electrum Laboratory.

For more info see link


Advanced sensor technology for sustainable machinery

Date: 17th September 2013

Daugirdas Old City Hotel
T. Daugirdo str. 4
44279 Kaunas, Lithuania

Language: English

Costs: Free of charge

Organiser: Kaunas University of Technology in cooperation with Enterprise Europe Network Supported by Interreg IVB project TECHNET_NANO

Contact: Egle Fataraite, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Thematic Workshop. Riga, Latvia 2013-06-13

Nano and micro technologies for light control and solar energy harvesting

Date: 13th of June 2013, 9:00 ‐ 16:30

Venue: Hotel SPA Jurmala, Jomas Street 47/49, Riga, Latvia

Language: English

Costs: Free of charge

Organizer: University of Latvia in cooperation with Enterprise Europe Network Supported by Interreg IVB project TECHNET_NANO

For more info see workshop-Riga


Thematic Workshop - Flensburg, Germany

Cutting edge technologies: microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip-technologies and robotic high-throughput screening

Date: 20th of March 2013, 10:30‐17:00

Place: IHK Flensburg, Heinrichstraße 28, 24937 Flensburg, Germany

For information and programme see  here 

To register: Register


This is the first ESS Science Symposium on New Generation Green Construction Materials in Stockholm, Sweden on 3 & 4 April 2013 at KTH Campus.

For more information see here

Learn how to improve energy effectivisation and process control through our lab-resources. We are pleased to invite you to participate in the coming workshop on Energy effectivisation and process control organised by Acreo and KTH in the frame of the Technet_nano network, where Electrum Laboratory is a partner.

The Swedish company Scint-X has secured SEK 5 million in invested capital from Praktikerinvest. The funds will ensure that Scint-X can continue the commercialization of its products and to build up high-volume manufacturing capacity of x-ray scintillators.