
Realize your nano vision

The Electrum Laboratory has now earned the ISO 9001:2008 quality management certification.

The Electrum Laboratory is one of the first university laboratories that has been qualified to this international quality standard.


Electrumlaboratoriet deltar på Scandinavian Electronics Event – Elektronikmässan på Kistamässan 17-19/4.

Vi finns med i Acreos monter C04:50 och hos KTH i Showcase Sweden.

Dagliga labrundturer ordnas under mässan.

registrera dig här för fri entré till mässan.


Forskningsinstitutet Acreo, huvudpartner inom Electrumlaboratoriet, går ihop med Imego.

Sammanslagningen görs för att tillvarata och utveckla kompetensen inom sensorteknologiområdet.


Drygt årsgamla SenseM, som utvecklat en ring med inbyggda sensorer och kommunikation  har tagit fram sina första prototyper. Medicinsk övervakning av Parkinsonpatienter är först på tur att realiseras.

Stanley Wissmar, forskare vid KTH, liksom serieentreprenören Bo Hammarlund står bakom  SenseM, som utvecklat en fingerring med inbyggda sensorer och kommunikation i form av Bluetooth.

För mer info se Elektroniktidningen


Kristinn B. Gylfason, project manager and researcher in the Department of Microsystems Technology at KTH has received a grant of SEK 3.8 million ($564,000) from the Swedish Research Council to create a cell-sized sensor that may help the pharmaceutical industry speed release of new products.


The KTH spin-off company, Nocilis, is developing a Seebeck element based on nano wires and silicon to produce electrical current from heat.

For more information see Elektroniktidningen (swedish)


Nocilis Materials AB of Kista, near Stockholm, Sweden – which was spun off from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in 2011 - is launching its foundry service to provide silicon-based materials worldwide.

For more information see Semiconductor Today and


ISiCPEAW 2012 is a two day event that is held on May 29 to 30 in Kista Science Tower, Stockholm, Sweden. The event covers SiC electronics applications.

For more information see link


SEE hålls i år den 17-19 april 2012 i Kista mässan.

För mer information se link


I would like to inform you about a new application for iOS devices, developed by Maziar Manouchehry a PhD student at KTH.

The app called "iFab" is developed for users within the Myfab infrastructure, and is available in the apple iTunes store.

You can find the app and more information through this link:

App Store: iFab


NTD Television has made a film about KTH, where a lot of interviews were made at the ICT- school and the Electrum laboratory. 

Click to view the film


The Swedish research institute Acreo announce the foundation of a new company, Ascatron. Based on the silicon carbide (SiC) technology developed at Acreo, Ascatron will specialise on the manufacturing of energy efficient SiC semiconductors. Target customers are suppliers of power devices and modules to the power electronic industry.


A SiC competence centre is starting in Kista in October. The centre is an initiative from Acreo, KTH and Swerea Kimab. For more information see Elektroniktidningen (swedish)


IRnova, a company that is using the Electrum laboratory, launches a new QWIP (Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector) sensor for detection of the strong greenhouse gas SF6.


Advances in imaging at non-visible wavelengths

The IMAGIC seminars are organized over two days, Sep 27th and Sep 28th, and are dedicated to advances in imaging at non-visible wavelengths.


Teknikjournalisten Jörgen Städje förklarar hur kiselkretsar tillverkas och visar bilder från Intels fab 24 på Irland och från Electrumlaboratoriet i Kista. För mer information se Intel Fab 24 - ett rent monster

The global semiconductor giant Fairchild Semiconductor has bought TranSIC for 17 million USD. TranSIC is a KTH spin-off company and part of the Electrum laboratory.
The Swedish company Scint-X AB, a spin-off from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), secures SEK 10 Million in Growth Capital from Conor Venture Partners and STING Capital. Scint-X will use the funds to grow its business on the international arena and to build up high-volume manufacturing capacity.

2011-05-03--04: Kista Science Tower

ISiCPEAW 2011 in Stockholm is a two days event presenting advances in silicon carbide technology with the focus on power electronics applications. We expect 200 attendees from the industry and application oriented researchers from all over the world to join the meeting. This is an opportunity to meet the SiC industry and discuss applications for SiC power electronics.


16th Semiconducting and Insulating Materials Conference (SIMC-XVI) to be held in Stockholm, Sweden, June 19-23, 2011.