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KTH spin-off Nocilis launches Si- and SiGeSnC-based epi foundry

Last Updated Jan 2012
By: Per Wehlin

Nocilis Materials AB of Kista, near Stockholm, Sweden – which was spun off from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in 2011 - is launching its foundry service to provide silicon-based materials worldwide.

Founded by Dr Henry Radamson and entrepreneur Bo Hammarlund MSc and based on expertise built up over many years of research and technical studies in silicon processing and device fabrication, Nocilis provides epitaxy of advanced Si-Ge-Sn-C (silicon germanium tin carbon) alloys for both electronic and photonic applications. Applications include niches in infrared (IR) and terahertz (THz) uncooled detectors and thermoelectric structures based on group IV materials. Nocilis claims to be the first dedicated foundry for supplying advanced Si-based compound materials.

For more information see Semiconductor Today and