
Realize your nano vision



The European Commission will invest 15 million Euro in the Centre of Excellence (CAMART2) of the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia.

The project CAMART2 (Excellence Centre of of Advanced Material Research and Technology Transfer) from Latvia was ranked as the 5th best project.

CAMART2 is based on collaboration between ISSP UL, KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) – the largest technical university in Sweden, and Acreo Swedish ICT (Acreo) – the Swedish research institute for microelectronics and optics.

The European Commission has granted 15 million Euro for the development of the Centre of Excellence during the next seven years.


Undrar du vad ljus egentligen består av? Eller vad elektroner är för något? Vill du veta hur ljus och elektroner kan förändra världen? Eller vill du bara testa en infraröd kamera? Då välkomnar Swedish ICT och KTH dig på öppet hus i fotonik och elektronik!

Date/time: Wednesday, June 1, 2016, 17:30 to 19:30

För information samt registrering se


Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have for the first time reported the electrical detection of spin current on topological insulator surfaces at room temperature by employing a ferromagnetic detector.
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology shows that applying a moderate in-plane magnetic field increases spin lifetime of electrons in graphene.
Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have succeeded in an experiment where they get an artificial atom to survive ten times longer than normal by positioning the atom in front of a mirror.
The Nordic Nanolab Network (NNN) is a collaboration between the Nordic nanofabrication infrastructures Myfab, Danchip, VTT Micronova and NorFab. This autumn the leaders of the involved laboratories met at Säröhus outside Gothenburg.

Myfab Uppsala

The Uppsala University seal made in dry etched silicon. The etch depth is 15 micrometer.

The Ångström Microstructure Laboratory provides a unique resource for R&D in the micro- & nanotechnology field. A powerful combination of process and analysis laboratories makes the entire sequence from realization to evaluation available under one roof. We provide an open user facility for university and industry personnel active in research or development.

The MSL staff is responsible for the lab operation, such as:

- cleanroom infrastructure
- equipment maintenance
- user education, training and support
- development and control of processes and methods
- commissions for internal and external customers

MSL is a state-of-the-art laboratory and a competent organization that provide a link between university research and industrial development.


Contact Info

Myfab Uppsala
Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden
Stefan Nygren
+46 18 471 3100

Thomas Swahn, Director
+46 31-772 46 76

Myfab Chalmers
Chalmers University of Technology
Göteborg, Sweden
Peter Modh
+46 31 772 1605

Myfab KTH
KTH, The Royal Institute of
Stockholm, Sweden
Nils Nordell
+46 8 790 43 88

Myfab Lund
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Anders Kvennefors
+46 46 222 0930